Sunday, June 26, 2005


yeah, my newfound love for school started yesterday when the cheerladers went for the state championships for the band. (our ulterior motive was to go and support them and in return, they would come and support us this week)
but anyway, our school sent four busloads of people and it turned out that out of the ten bands that were competing, only our school brought so many supporters. seriously, around 80% of the crowd there were CHS people ;)

so anyway, there was this place at the side where the band members would wait for their turn to march in. and even when the band before them marched in to perform and our band walked to their places to wait, the crowd all stood and cheered madly. the school support was TREMENDOUS!
the minute they marched in, we clapped and cheered like crazy, and everytime the drum major threw his stick thingy (what's it called?) up, everyone held their breath and rejoiced when he caught it. only once he dropped it, and even then we cheered to encourage him.

and in the end, while they were waiting for the results, they gave out the participation certs to all the schools except for our school and two others. and then they announced the second runner-up. not us! then the first runner up 'Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan..' all the band members started crying. but even then, they were so disciplined and stood straight without moving at all.

and at that moment, our school went crazy. people were screaming, waving the school flag and all that. it was... WHOA. seriously,i myself was screaming and jumping around so much that i kicked some woman a few times. (sorry) ;)

but now, people are expecting a number one from us this weekend as well. how? HOW?!!!!
we're so dead.

*p.s.-- i lost my left contact lens ALREADY. after only four days of wearing it :(


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