Monday, August 07, 2006

The painful memories that she had been suppressing flooded through her.
The memories which she had carefully and persistently made herself forget
was now filling her mind,reminding her of who she once was and who she really is.

The person that she had tried so hard to hide was emerging again,
crumbling the mask that she had been hiding behind.

After the neverending taunts and snide remarks which made her feel ugly and worthless,
she had created a whole new identity,
breaking away from her true self to be someone she was not.
She wanted to be someone who everyone loved, who everyone looked up to.
She yearned to be the girl that everyone took notice of.

Slowly, she reinvented herself - she became what she thought was the perfect person.
She made herself study hard and slogged through endless late nights
to do well in school.
She forgot her shyness and forced herself to be loud, never shy, and laughed all the time.
She became someone she was not.

She built walls around her that no one could penetrate.
She never told anyone of her true feelings, of how she really felt inside.
She always pretended to be happy and optimistic.
She never looked for love because inside,
she knew that she would never be good enough for anyone
- no one would ever love her for who she really is.
Everytime someone got too close,
she would quickly retreat and build even thicker walls around herself.
She would never let her heart be broken
by hateful bitter words again.

But now, with fresh memories of the times
she repeatedly got hurt,
she will hide no more.
She will not be that person she was not to please anyone again.

She will be herself again.


Blogger szeyen said...

sounds like someone i know

12:26 pm  
Blogger hosquare said...

self reflection time ah...?

12:28 pm  
Blogger sinister kisses said...

everyone hides in their own little ways~

8:08 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's not entirely related but I somehow immediately thought of this song..."She Must And Shall Go Free" by Derek Webb. Here's an excerpt of it...


Peace of conscience, peace with God
We obtain through Jesus' blood
Jesus' blood speaks solid rest
We believe and we are blest

All her debts were cast on me
and she must and shall go free

12:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

like russell peters says...
Be a man, Do the right thing!

patience... for that girl, someone right would come along soon enough.
just being herself would do the trick.

9:26 am  
Blogger jho said...

come, i tell you a joke. =)

cheer up k?

6:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its okay sammie dear =) we love u anyway... its your heart that matters =)

1:57 pm  
Blogger Inspktor said...

your masks, you hurts and your baggage are a part of you. what would poetry and music be if we were all well-adjusted and happy. bleh no thank you.

but honestly, sometimes i prefer it when we just sit around in a comfortable silence anyway. and nope, you're definately an extrovert. you draw strength from being with people. a recluse like me needs to stay away sometimes. ;)

1:58 pm  

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